Microsoft Mobile Phones & Portable Devices
You can barely find a person who wouldn’t know and use the services provided by Microsoft Corporation. As a matter of fact, this is the most recognizable multinational software developer, vendor of high-end PCs, tablets and other electronic devices. Started by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in far-out 1975 as a small company, as of today this corporation has got operations as well as offices nearly in every country!
According to Microsoft, their perennial success lies in the following aspects: - a comprehensive interaction with customers and deep understanding of their needs;
- a global approach towards development and manufacture;
- perfection in every movement;
- the usage of reliable information technologies;
- a bright team of dedicated professionals;
- a responsible leadership based on fair partnership and competition;
- corporate loyalty.
All those attributes allow the company to constantly enlarge its portfolio with ever newer techniques, services and equipment. Hence, nowadays it boasts a huge line of Windows OS series, Office suite programs, Internet Explorer browser, accompanied with renowned Xbox game consoles, Surface tablets and PCs.
Along with colossal costs on advancement, Microsoft is currently considered to be among the most valuable companies on the globe with astounding yearly revenues. Fancy that: in 2013 the giant reported record-breaking revenue of $77.85 billion! There is no wonder that it dares making really significant acquisitions, i.e. the purchase of Skype Technologies business in 2011 for $8.5 billion – the largest company’s acquisition to date.
At present Microsoft Corporation consists of multiple divisions each of which is responsible for a particular field of expertise. All those divisions belong to two large groups: Engineering and Business. The first one involves Advanced Technology, Cloud and Enterprise Engineering, Devices, Applications and Services, Operating Systems Engineering, Technology and Research departments, whereas the second one consists of Finance, HR, Marketing, Operations, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Business Development and Evangelism departments.
Finally, being one of the most influential powers in the world, the company has to compete with equally successful designers, like Apple Computer, HP, IBM Corp., Yahoo! Inc., Sun Microsystems, and some others.
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